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2024-07-08 22:35:51

In 2000, with Cho's help, the Banyang Elementary School - in which she had studied - began teaching Chinese

2024-07-08 22:35:51

Yingluck did not show up at the court and has so far not made any public comment on the verdict

2024-07-08 22:35:51

"The Security Council also emphasized the vital importance of the DPRK immediately showing a sincere commitment to denuclearization through concrete action, and stressed the importance of working to reduce tension on the Korean Peninsula," said Tekeda Alemu, president of the Security Council, in a readout of the press statement

2024-07-08 22:35:51

In 2010, she was listed as one of the most influential women of the century in Hefei

2024-07-08 22:35:51

It was unforgettable because my family watched the relay in South Korea in 1988 but didn't get the chance to participate

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